"Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” Isaiah 55:13

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lesson One - I AM Your Beauty (Just In Time)

This is the first 'blogger' study I've enrolled in. It seemed fantastic for women recovering from "I have to be and do everything" syndrome, like myself. Lisa's written a beautiful study and I'm glad to be nourished by Him through it.

Upon finishing this first study (as well as the introduction) the Lord really wrapped it all together for me with Psalm 106:20-21
"They exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull, which eats grass. They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt."
which Cheryl expounded on here.

What things am I exchanging my beauty and glory for? He has adorned me with beauty, but when (and WHY?!) do I sometimes change my "clothes?"

  • Pride - "I think I "look better" in this."
  • Envy - "What they have looks so much better."
  • Lack of Patience - "But I can have this now."
  • Fear - "If I don't take care of myself, who will?"
  • On and on my list can go ... the whens whys & hows of my missing out on beauty beyond my vastest imagination and deepest longings. Then He brings me back again - offering His beauty.

Here are the official study questions -->

Are there any circumstances or relationships in your life where you can see God has intentionally placed you to be a light for Him? Yes. Oh yes. The healing ministry at our church, called Bring Them To Me Ministries - it's coming to life through my ministry (by His authorship & leading, OF COURSE!). He's ready to heal His people - to set them free from all kinds of sicknesses (not just physical) - and He's equipping me with faith enough to walk beside Him and lead others to the same place.

Can you honestly describe yourself as a woman with a 'yes' in her spirit? Not always. Sometimes my four year old rules - crossing her arms, stopping her feet, and not budging for anyone. Unfortunately the grown up version of her can stay that way for months and months.

Are you in an emotionally and spiritually healthy place today? Yes. If so, what will you do with your series of unrecurring events? I'm purposing to live in freedom and reckless faith. It's harder than living by the rules, but He's proven to me over and over again that's it GREATER.

Will you commit to ask for spiritual eyes to see opportunities to defend a weaker sister? I have no preferences - sister, brother or otherwise. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. I commit to Christ and the life of love He wants to live through me. Praise to the Holy Spirit for giving us wisdom from Heaven, eyes to see, and ears to hear. May I forever be growing in attentiveness and surrender to Him.

2 Your Thoughts:

♪♪Melody♪♪ and Puddin said...

thanks for sharing what Cheryl wrote and what you wrote. Cheryl's post really put me to thinking about all I lose by changing the "clothes" God gave me.

Mari said...

Fear - "If I don't take care of myself, who will?" Ooooh! I'm coming out of this one too, it's a hard one because it requires trust which I am finding out I do not have much of...yet.